Hours to Seconds Conversion (h to sec)

Please enter the hours value to convert to seconds. 1 hour is equal to 60 minutes that is 60x60 seconds = 3600 seconds.

1 h = 3600 sec
h: hour, sec: second.

Swap time units Convert Seconds to Hours

About Hours to Seconds Converter

Converting hours to seconds is not something we use often in our daily life, but such kind of conversions may be in need for scientific, industrial, commercial, and other purposes. If you are in need of doing a precise hours to seconds conversion, this online time calculator can come in handy. Just enter the given value in hours into the box on the left side of the calculator, and press 'Convert to Seconds' button. You can also check out some useful information about this type of conversion at the bottom of the webpage.

1 hour = 60 minutes = 60 × 60 seconds = 3600 seconds.


Hour is a common time measurement unit equal to 3,600 seconds. The unit is used and recognized by SI and has the symbol of h. Though the history of using an hour as a part of solar day is believed to be starting from the epochs of Ancient Egypt, the concept of an hour as we know it now emerged in the early 13th century, when scientists in Ancient Greece came up with the idea of dividing a solar day exactly into 24 equal parts. Hour as a time measurement unit is extensively used in science and is applied for defining various related measurement units like kilometers per hour, ampere-hour, kilowatt-hour, etc.


Second is a standard time measurement unit recognized and used by the International System of Units. Second is equal to 1/60th of a minute or 1/3,600 of an hour. This is one of the oldest time measurement units used by early Egyptian, Persian, Hellenistic, and other civilizations. The name is derived from Latin expression meaning 'the second division of hours'. Second is also a basic reference unit for some really precise time measurement units like millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond, etc.

How to Calculate Hours to Seconds

1 hour = 3.6 × 103 seconds
1 second = 1 × 100 seconds

1 hour = (3.6 / 1) × 103 × 10-0 seconds
1 hour = (3.6) × 103-0 seconds
1 hour = (3.6) × 103 seconds
1 hour = 3.6 × 1000 seconds
1 hour = 3600 seconds

How Many Seconds in an Hour?

There are 3600 seconds in an hour.

One hour is equal to 3.6 × 103 to unit of time second.
Therefore 1 hour = 3600 seconds.

One second is equal to 1 × 100 to unit of time second.

1 hour = (3600 seconds / 1 seconds) seconds.
3600 seconds makes a hour.

Hours to Seconds Conversion Table

1 Hour3600 Seconds
2 Hours7200 Seconds
3 Hours10800 Seconds
4 Hours14400 Seconds
5 Hours18000 Seconds
6 Hours21600 Seconds
7 Hours25200 Seconds
8 Hours28800 Seconds
9 Hours32400 Seconds
10 Hours36000 Seconds
11 Hours39600 Seconds
12 Hours43200 Seconds
13 Hours46800 Seconds
14 Hours50400 Seconds
15 Hours54000 Seconds
16 Hours57600 Seconds
17 Hours61200 Seconds
18 Hours64800 Seconds
19 Hours68400 Seconds
20 Hours72000 Seconds
21 Hours75600 Seconds
22 Hours79200 Seconds
23 Hours82800 Seconds
24 Hours86400 Seconds
25 Hours90000 Seconds
26 Hours93600 Seconds
27 Hours97200 Seconds
28 Hours100800 Seconds
29 Hours104400 Seconds
30 Hours108000 Seconds
31 Hours111600 Seconds
32 Hours115200 Seconds
33 Hours118800 Seconds
34 Hours122400 Seconds
35 Hours126000 Seconds
36 Hours129600 Seconds
37 Hours133200 Seconds
38 Hours136800 Seconds
39 Hours140400 Seconds
40 Hours144000 Seconds
41 Hours147600 Seconds
42 Hours151200 Seconds
43 Hours154800 Seconds
44 Hours158400 Seconds
45 Hours162000 Seconds
46 Hours165600 Seconds
47 Hours169200 Seconds
48 Hours172800 Seconds
49 Hours176400 Seconds
50 Hours180000 Seconds
51 Hours183600 Seconds
52 Hours187200 Seconds
53 Hours190800 Seconds
54 Hours194400 Seconds
55 Hours198000 Seconds
56 Hours201600 Seconds
57 Hours205200 Seconds
58 Hours208800 Seconds
59 Hours212400 Seconds
60 Hours216000 Seconds
61 Hours219600 Seconds
62 Hours223200 Seconds
63 Hours226800 Seconds
64 Hours230400 Seconds
65 Hours234000 Seconds
66 Hours237600 Seconds
67 Hours241200 Seconds
68 Hours244800 Seconds
69 Hours248400 Seconds
70 Hours252000 Seconds
71 Hours255600 Seconds
72 Hours259200 Seconds

Hours conversions:

Recent Comments
Sanjana pagrani 2020-10-16 22:52:19

Maths is my favourite subject

NaFis Irtisam 2020-05-27 05:47:06

Well Web, I calculate FOR CLash of clan shield time

Hamza 2020-05-17 00:14:46

Thanks for your help

liala 2020-04-29 17:34:19

It is really useful . Now i can count the hours so my parents dont lie to me on time.

Shravani 2019-10-25 05:08:24

Thanks for helping calculator

Shubham 2018-09-17 21:47:00

Can i convert time in points into hours, minutes,seconds formate

Divyani rajput 2018-03-14 07:34:06


Shagun 2018-03-10 20:07:09

Thanks for help

Cynthia 2018-01-16 10:06:31

Very nice and useful I also used it for my assignment

Amresh Kumar 2017-12-25 07:01:15

Thank you

Prachi 2017-12-23 01:36:38

Thanks for help

Devendra Gurjar Gwalior MP India 2017-12-22 04:09:28

Good time calculator

Abhijeet jitendra sasade 2017-10-11 09:15:10

Thank you so much

For my help.

santosh 2017-10-02 10:37:15

ā°Thanks for this calculationā°

DANISH 2017-09-25 01:11:23

very good calculation

lily 2017-09-15 14:46:26

thank u so much

aashu 2017-09-12 08:20:33

Thanks for help

mansoor 2017-08-05 21:34:04


aafreen bano 2017-07-31 04:19:54

Yes it is very use full convrsion

Gaurav 2017-06-26 05:55:24

thnxx for help

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